Replay value in games comes in all shapes and sizes. For the Silent Hill series, Konami likes to add a lot of endings to their games. Silent Hill 2, for example, has six endings in the original game which Bloober Team kept in the remake albeit tweaked a bit. They also added two new endings for players to enjoy.
6 Beginner Tips For Silent Hill 2 Remake
Here's what new players will need to know before entering the misty town of Silent Hill as James Sunderland in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
Getting to these endings requires a lot of hoops to jump through and the basic information will be highlighted. However, this isn't a guide as this list will instead go through and rank the effectiveness of all eight endings in the remake of Silent Hill 2. There will, of course, be spoilers.
Spoilers ahead for Silent Hill 2
James Was A Clone to PS2 James?
- Direct Requirements: New Game+ and find the Blue Gem and listen to its sounds to lead you to the ending for several steps
UFO endings have become traditional in the Silent Hill series and they are usually poorly made on purpose. In this ending, James summons a UFO with a stone, and then things turn into a green-tinted silent movie with stilled frames. James sees another version of himself descend from the spaceship who addresses himself as Space James and the real James overall. The Earth James was a clone all along and now Space James, along with a stereotypical alien creature, invites James back to space. It’s weird for sure and not without entertainment but it’s one of those things that would have been nice to see being made better for this remake.
7 Stillness
James Has An Extra Passenger
- Direct Requirements: New Game+, need Chainsaw and Key of Sorrow to begin quest inside Lakeview Hotel that will lead to this ending
Stillness is the name of this ending and it’s pretty simple and yet terrifying. James is sitting in his car at the same rest stop where players will begin the game. He’s talking to Mary who then starts to talk back. Then her hands appear in the frame and throughout the ending, other pieces of Mary can be seen but her face is hidden throughout. First-time players probably expect a jump scare to happen at this point but nothing nefarious ever happens. James is just delusional, talking to his wife in his car and then that’s it.
6 In Water
James Drives Himself and Mary's Body Into Toluca Lake
- Some Requirements: Take a lot of damage, check on key items like Mary’s Letter, read notes, and ignore Maria
In Water is similar to Stillness but players can be happier with this resolution. It should be called Acceptance because the ending starts with James talking in his car to Mary but then he admits she isn’t there. He questions it, looking at the back of his car, again, prepping players for a jump scare.
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Silent Hill isn't a typical Survival Horror game where players are expected to shoot their way through herds. The series is more about personal fear.
It doesn’t happen again though and as rain starts to pour, things go black and then the lake is shown as a letter blissfully glides down a shaft of light. Mary reads her own letter, revealing that James knew all along she was dead. It’s a bittersweet ending but beautiful in its simplicity nonetheless.
5 Bliss
Home Movies With A Sense Of Dread
- Direct Requirements: New Game+, get the Rusted Key and Cryptic Note, follow the directions, drink the White Claudia, and view the tape in James' room
Bliss can be interpreted in several ways. It begins with James walking into a room popping in a tape into a VCR. This dates the game significantly to the late 90s or early 2000s. He watches himself film Mary as they are about to go home. As things are wrapping up, James gives a weird look into the camera, dismissing Mary’s concerns that something is wrong. The tape stops and then things zoom out to the room where James has now disappeared. Maybe it’s implied James never left his home after picking up Mary and this was all a ruse. Or perhaps that smile he gives into the camera is James admitting he is going to kill Mary once they get home. It is hard to say.
4 Dog
Oh, It Was A Dog All Along
- Direct Requirements: New Game+, find parts to create the Dog Key, open the Observation Room in the Lakeview Hotel
The Dog ending is silly just like the UFO ending. However, because there was effort put into the production, it’s a great ending. James will walk into a control room and ask that the person in the chair reveal themselves. When they do, it turns out a dog was controlling Silent Hill all along. James drops to his knees, unsure of how to continue. Instead of being malicious, the dog just walks over to James and licks him and then that’s it. Look. Silent Hill 2 is one of the most oppressive and atmospheric horror games to ever be released. Players deserve some levity with this bizarre ending.
3 Maria
Sacrificing One Love For Another
- Some Requirements: Check on key items like Mary’s Letter, listen to Maria, and protect Maria
Maria is kind of a positive ending depending on how players look at it. It begins with James confronting a physical manifestation of Mary who is bitter at him for letting her die. She then transforms into a monster, a boss battle ensues, and then players have to finish her off one last time. Thanks to her death, James can go back and save Maria.
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Silent Hill is a massive series with multiple mainline games and spin-offs, but these titles are the best way to start with Konami's horror franchise.
He’s now let go of Mary and is willing to move on with a new girl. On their way back to his car, Maria starts coughing and James tells her she should get that looked at. Could Maria be contracting a virus that eventually led to Mary’s sickness? There’s a lot to unpack here but it does betray James a bit to go back with Maria even if it’s good he lets Mary go mentally.
2 Rebirth
Summoning The Old Gods
- Direct Requirements: New Game+, need items like the Book of Crimson Ceremony, the White Chrism, the Obsidian Goblet, and the Book of Lost Memories, and must play on Normal
Rebirth begins with a similar scene to Maria, but there is a twist. James tells this “Mary” that he knows she is Maria. She was trying to tempt him into being unfaithful or to sell his soul somewhat. Maria admits it and then the same boss battle begins. Afterward, James rows into the middle of the lake, talking to Mary about old gods and the ability to bring her back. It could be inferred that James killed Maria, brought her body into the boat, and then planned to sacrifice her to some old gods to bring Mary back to life. It’s a bit twisted on James’ part since he still hasn’t been able to let go of the idea of Mary, but it is interesting to see him row out into the darkness.
1 Leave
James Leaves Silent Hill with Laura
- Some Requirements: Don't look at key items like Mary's Letter, don't read a lot of notes unrelated to puzzles, Heal Often, and Ignore Maria when you can
Leave is an ending that puts all the pieces together. James confronts Mary's death in two brutal ways. First, through a series of boss fights, and second, by seeing Mary in a sickened state. It also ties things back to Laura, the little girl, whose story is kind of left on a cliffhanger if players don't get this ending.
All in all, this is what many consider to be the true ending. It's not a happy ending by any stretch by it will be cathartic for players to experience. As the game was built in a vacuum though, there will never be a real "true" ending unless Konami or Bloober Team ever gets around to doing the Square Enix thing by making Silent Hill 2-2.
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19 8.5/10
Silent Hill 2 Remake
- OpenCritic Reviews
- Top Critic Rating:86/100 Critics Recommend:88%
- Franchise
- Silent Hill
- Platform(s)
- PC , PS5
- Released
- October 8, 2024
- Developer(s)
- Bloober Team
- Publisher(s)
- Konami
- Engine
- Unreal Engine 5
- M For Mature 17+ Due To Blood and Gore, Language, Sexual Themes, Violence
- OpenCritic Rating
- Mighty